About Us

DMD is a leading international design house that was established in 2002. Currently trading in 25 countries around the world, we have offices in the USA, Hong Kong, China, Australia and New Zealand.

Our talented design team are industry leaders whilst also understanding the importance of functionality, form, trends and value.

With our offices in Hong Kong and China we can offer a complete "Design, Market and Deliver" ( DMD ) service and have built up strong partnerships with leading manufacturers, to provide very competitive pricing and on time, In full, delivery.  Our team can provide a total branding and packaging concept under one of our house brands or one of your brand solutions.

Our contemporary house of brands can be found in department stores and leading homewares stores all over the world. These brands include Bread + Butter, Lucas and Hunter, Cibo, and Claremont.

We have an inherent love of design, which specialises in customer theme and seasonal design boards and can provide a solution for any area of the home.

We welcome you to visit us to discuss your requirements